Thursday, June 7, 2012

Swim Class Day 2

Day 2 went GREAT!!! 

I even caught her smiling....well almost smiling.

She's getting more comfortable putting her face in the water. She really doesn't like doing that at Nana and Paw-Paw's pool at all. And she hates being splashed in the face (I do too).

I love watching her take those big breaths before she goes under.

Now there's a smile!

And by the end of the hour, she could float on her back by herself.

Anita said that 4 is the perfect age for swim lessons because they haven't had time to pick up bad habits and they aren't as afraid as they would be, the older they get. And I believe her. Sophia is picking everything up very quickly.

At the end of this lesson, as Sophia was drying off, she said, "Mom, I want to swim EVERYDAY!". Good thing we know someone with a pool.


Anonymous said...

I knew she would love it after the initial meeting. First days are always a little scary.

Unknown said...

Great photos!