Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Splash Pad

Saturday, we met Atticus and Tricia up at the Euless Splash Pad for some morning playtime. When we first got there, it was open but we couldn't get the water turned on. So Tricia called the number on the sign and we waited for someone to come and fix it.
While we waited, we snacked on some cookies and they ran around the Splash Pad chasing each other.

That yellow pole has a sensor that you touch to get the water to come back on. It usually stays on for 15 minutes and automatically shuts off until someone hits it again. They told us to hit it really hard, so we used our shoes, rocks, whatever we could find to hit it.

Then, Patrick showed up and came to our rescue. Apparently, the main source for the water hadn't been turned on.
Let there be water!

So the playdate finally began. Most of these don't need explanations. It was just fun seeing them run around and play.

Sophia brought Atticus his water. What a little helper.

And of course, there was a little pull up crack.

For some reason, Sophia wanted to take off her swimsuit bottoms. I don't know why.
Sophia trying to help Atticus up.
And then we went to Burger King.
After that, we headed over to Nana and Paw-Paw's house to visit. They're leaving on a trip on Sunday and won't see her for a whole week.
While there, cousin Jack, Aunt Amy and Uncle Jay showed up for a swim.
Jack "getting" Sophia with his puppet.

Have a safe, fun trip mom and dad!


Allison said...

That totally happened to us at the Splash Pad but we didn't wait around for it to be fixed. Looks like you had it all to yourselves which is a MAJOR bonus!!!! Fun times!

Anonymous said...

Great photos and a wonderful time, as always! And it looks like the fun continued for Sophia at Nana and Paw-Paw's house. Yea!

Joanne said...

Seems like you never know with that splash pad! I am thinking of taking the girls tomorrow and might meet a friend there if you want to join... Also, I sent an email out about Paradise Pond next Monday. It's a lot of fun. if you've never been you should come along!

TLEB said...

I love that splash pad!! Sophia and Atticus looked like had a great time!

Janelle's Little Blog said...

I love Splash Pad! :)