Sunday, December 28, 2014

One Crazy Night Before Christmas

Sophia was in her school's Christmas musical production called One Crazy Night Before Christmas. She was part of the choir (no speaking parts for her). She didn't want to try out for the speaking ones. Can't say I blame her.

These pics were taken during the daytime productions they did for the school. They performed again that evening for the parents but I ended up working backstage so I don't have pics of the evening one.

I'm really glad she chose to be a part of it because the school won't do another one for 2 more years.

It was super cute to watch all of them.

I think Sophia is glad she was a part of it. I think her favorite part was getting to wear pajamas to school that day so they'd already be ready to perform. The girl loves her pj's (just like her mama).

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