Monday, June 24, 2013

Father's Day....Got Distracted With Sophia's Birthday

In all of the focus on Sophia's birthday week, I forgot to post about Father's Day. So let me take a break from Sophia's birthday for 1 post. I promise to get back to her birthday after this.
Sophia gave Russell his Father's Day gift that she made at school.

Then we headed over to my parent's house. I made my dad this shirt because he's always messing up the saying "It is what it is". He always says "What it is! What it is!".


Sophia brought all of her left over birthday hats, plates etc and set the table with them and wanted everyone to put on hats.

Sophia always manages to make it front and center when anyone is opening gifts.

My dad really liked the card we got him. It played the song "Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting". And he played it over an over again. I have officially been banned from buying any more music playing cards for anyone.

Then it was swim time.


Happy Father's Day!


Anonymous said...

That music card was fabulous. I am still playing it-a real catchy tune. Thanks for a wonderful day and all my presents-ya'll did to much. I am truly a blessed man to have such a wonderful family--Lov u all -Paw Paw

Allison said...

Sounds like a good day! Those music cards are so great and so... not great. Just depends on who is in control of them!! ;)