Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

We started off Father's Day with Russell opening up his presents.

Sophia loves giving presents.

"But I can't see what it is, dad!"
2 shirts from Sophia
A video game from me

"That's it?"
Then it was time for Sophia to play with all of her new presents.

Then we went over my parent's house.
It's the Kaminski crazy eyes. See Tricia, those are crazy eyes.

Sophia carried all of the cards etc. for Russell to open.
More crazy eyes....
Cookie time!
Tim getting a little emotional with my dad.

He loved our frame we got him with pics of Sophia.
The Kaminski Family
Dear Dad,
I wanted to take this moment to tell you how much you mean to me and our family. You are such a special person. You're one of those people I can always count on to be there. If I'm ever in trouble and have only 1 phone call, I'm calling you. But don't tell Russell.
You're a giver. You're always willing to help us even if it means you have to give up something you wanted to do. I admire how fired up you get about your causes and you actually follow through and make your voice heard (our poor Congressmen and women. The invention of email and the fact that you now have email totally screwed them). But most of all I admire how far you've managed to come despite your background and upbringing. You had a rough start (I know you still have those flashbacks about Diamond Hill), but you've managed to make a good life for yourself and our family.
I remember when you bought me that $60 curling iron that was supposed to do the same thing as a spiral perm (because I couldn't get a spiral perm or my hair would have broken off for all the sun-in I used on it). I remember the time you brought home a dog after work and that sent mom into labor (poor Mama Bo, where is that dog anyways?). I remember you always coming to all of my soccer games, no matter how cold and that you hate the game of soccer to begin with (Commie sport, your words, not mine). I remember you building us a playhouse in the backyard. And you even let us camp out in it. I remember how you always tell me how proud you are of me. So I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you how proud I am of you. I'm proud that your my dad. And you're special not because of anything you've done or not done, but just because God made you. I love you!
P.S. Maybe next year, can we wear a shirt with sleeves at the dinner table. :) I know you were just trying to show off your buff arms.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Erin! What a sweet post to your dad! I loved it! I don't know what else to was really touching.
P.S. Russell can definitely give me a run for my money when it comes to Crazy Eyes! Holy cow!

Allison said...

Your dad must have cried because I did!